When in Doubt, Report Suspicions of Abuse: Lessons from Vinelife Church (Longmont, CO)

Youth Pastor arrested and Five church officials charged with failure to report. A recent situation in Longmont, Colorado touches on several important teaching points for church leadership: 1. Sexual Abusers have no visual profile; 2. Sexual Abuse Awareness Training is critical to protect our young people; 3. The ‘grooming process’ involves manipulation and deception, rather…

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Church Employees Arrested/Charged for Failure to Report Sexual Abuse

Five employees at Victory Christian Church in Tulsa, OK arrested for two-week delay in notifying authorities of sexual abuse allegations Article : Tulsa World Link to article Brief Facts Chris Denman and Israel Castillo, both members of Victory Christian Church  (VCC), were both recently hired as janitors in the same department.   In August, Castillo allegedly…

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Standards of Care are Rising for Church Planters and Missionaries

FLORIDA BAPTIST CONVENTION FOUND LIABLE IN ABUSE CASE … though abuser was not an employee of the Convention Article in the Orlando Sentinel: http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/2012-05-17/news/os-baptist-sex-abuse-verdict-20120517_1_triangle-community-church-douglas-w-myers-church-planter Brief Facts Douglas W. Myers was a Baptist pastor and church planter.  Myers allegedly received training and funds from the Florida Baptist Convention (Convention), and others, in connection with planting two…

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