New 2019 Features

Duplicate User Protection protects administrators from inadvertently adding a single user multiple times. Our system now alerts an administrator before adding a user with the same first or last name and email address. We’ve created API to enable organizations to integrate services provided by MinistrySafe with church management systems and other platforms. Assign Sexual Abuse Awareness Training,…

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Expanding Abuse Reporting Requirements: Texas, South Carolina, Colorado and National Trends

Gregory S. Love, Esq. Kimberlee D. Norris, Esq. Date: January 1, 2015 ATTENTION COUNSELORS in university, ministry and camping contexts. Am I a mandatory reporter? If an adult describes having been abused as a child, am I required to report? When? How do expanding reporting requirements impact college and university counselors? How do reporting requirements…

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Criminal Background Checks: What You Should Know

No flawless criminal records search exists.  Why? To reduce the risk of sexual abuse, organizations rely on criminal background checks to assess the risk of a staff member or volunteer – and they should.  BUT, a criminal background check is not the stand-alone answer.  Below is some information about criminal background checks that organizations must have to understand the weaknesses of…

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Third-Party Use of Facilities and Sexual Abuse Risk

Third-Party Use of Facilities and Sexual Abuse Risk:Observations for Camps, Conference Centers, Colleges and Churches Gregory S. Love, Esq.Kimberlee D. Norris, Esq. Any activity or locale where children are gathered engenders the risk of sexual abuse. Many of these gatherings take place in camps, conference centers, colleges and churches. All child-serving organizations should make reasonable…

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Sexual Abuse Fire Drill

Sexual Abuse ‘Fire Drill’: Put Preparation to the Test  Gregory S. Love, Esq. Kimberlee D. Norris, Esq.  In classrooms across the country, school administrators lead faculty and students through mock disasters (fires, shootings, bomb threats, tornados, etc.) to ensure the existence of sound safety plans, communicate expectations to all involved, and determine any necessary changes or…

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