
MinistrySafe works with clients in a wide variety of child-serving industries utilizing MinistrySafe tools and resources to better protect children.

Ministry Leaders

One of the finest services our state convention has provided to Georgia Baptist churches has been MinistrySafe trainings—all across Georgia. We discovered an enormous need for training, and, through MinistrySafe, how best to safeguard our children. The expertise and gifted teaching of Gregory Love and Kimberlee Norris have provided a level of training never before offered to our churches, and Georgia Baptists have responded enthusiastically. I commend MinistrySafe to you as one of the finest training opportunities available to your church or ministry.

J. Robert White
Office of the Executive Director
Georgia Baptist Mission Board

Kimberlee Norris is an acknowledged national expert in sexual abuse prevention at camp. Through her work, MinistrySafe serves as the backbone of CamperProtect, an initiative aimed at equipping our member camps with best practices and protocols to reduce the risk of sexual abuse at camp.

Gregg Hunter
Christian Camp & Conference Association

The North American Mission Board (NAMB) began our relationship with MinistrySafe through the training of our Human Resources staff in their role of applicant screening across the continent. This training was both professional and enlightening….  We are thankful that Gregory and Kimberlee have married their passion and giftedness to protect children and churches who want to minister to them with Spirit-led excellence.

Joe Outlaw
Chief Human Resources Officer
North American Mission Board

Gregory Love and MinistrySafe have been invaluable resources to the Church of the Nazarene at every level – local, district, and international. I have come to think of Greg as a trusted member of our team who has gone far above and beyond the call of duty to help us provide the safest possible environments for children. Even more than the unmatched professional expertise Greg and his team provide, I value the personal relationship we have developed. I know he is driven by a sincere desire to use his God-given talents to protect children and the Church. I recommend Gregory Love and MinistrySafe wholeheartedly.

David P. Wilson
General Secretary
Church of the Nazarene

MinistrySafe has been a godsend in sexual ethics training for both the clergy and the laity of the Central Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church.  The material is presented in a clear, helpful, and gracious manner which enhances concrete practical application.  Using this tool for ministry has enabled us to deepen a clergy culture of appropriateness and accountability.  I strongly recommend the ministry of Gregory Love and Kimberlee Norris through MinistrySafe. 

Bishop Mike Lowry
Central Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church

MinistrySafe is the best complete service to protect children and those that serve them. The Church Multiplication Network of the Assemblies of God is glad to partner with experts like Gregory Love and Kimberlee Norris. Their goal is to prevent sexual abuse in ministry contexts. We want the same thing. I wish every church in the world would have their training system integrated into their church’s essential training programs.

Dr. Mike McCrary
National Director of Strategic Partnerships
Church Multiplication Network of the Assemblies of God  

For the past couple of years several of our Texas Baptists Staff have been studying, reviewing, researching and praying about our BGCT prevention and response activity regarding the issue of child sexual abuse, particularly as it relates to clergy and our churches and camps.

This past February, at our Texas Baptists Executive Board meeting, a proposal was presented and unanimously adopted that we, BGCT, partner with MinistrySafe to better address this issue in the local Church. We are excited about what this industry leader offers to churches to help them in this critical area. In fact, we at the BGCT will be using their safety system ourselves. We encourage you to consider joining as well.

Dr. David Hardage
Executive Director
Baptist General Convention of Texas

MinistrySafe has effectively equipped numerous Oklahoma Baptists with the tools and understanding needed to minimize risk of, as well as respond to, the horrific reality of child sexual abuse facing our communities and ministries.
Gregory Love and Kimberlee Norris have experience-driven insight into the nuance of the challenges churches face in responding to this unyielding, yet elusive, threat to children.

Dr. Anthony Jordan
Executive Director
Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma

We at the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions are impressed with MinistrySafe as effective team equippers for churches to utilize in facing the growing challenges related to sexual abuse in our culture.  Gregory Love and Kimberlee Norris are proven experts in helping churches and other ministry organizations train their leaders in sex abuse prevention and in preparation for dealing with these horrific problems when they occur.  Being prepared ought to be our operating principle.  MinistrySafe will help you to be prepared.

Dr. Rick Lance
Executive Director
Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions

It is an incredible joy for Arkansas Baptists to partner with MinistrySafe! Their depth of experience is unsurpassed. Their gracious heart and servant spirit are special blessings. God has prepared them and raised them up for this time. With incredible excellence and expertise, they teach and provide tools in a way that will help any church protect their ministry to children.

J. D. "Sonny" Tucker, Ph. D
Executive Director
Arkansas Baptist State Convention

Gregory Love has helped numerous pastors in Montana understand the current reality and threat of predators targeting children in our churches. Through MinistrySafe, he and his organization are actively training pastors and children's ministry workers throughout Montana with professional and relevant instruction.

Greg and his team are the very best available in North America on this topic. His vast experience…gives him keen insight into knowing what it takes for a church to minimize risk. His training is highly relevant and invaluable for every church.

Dr. Fred Hewett
xecutive Director/Treasurer
Montana Southern Baptist Convention

Keeping our children safe in all our Colorado Baptist churches is a top priority.  It gives us peace of mind knowing that the best legal minds in the area of child abuse have started the task of training all our churches and church plants. In addition, the tools provided to train our children and youth workers are readily available online.

We are thankful for the passion and expertise provided Colorado Baptists by Gregory Love, Kimberlee Norris and MinistrySafe.

Mark Edlund, DMin.
Executive Director
Colorado Baptists

Gregory Love and Kimberlee Norris (MinistrySafe) have provided quality training and instruction for the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention (SBTC) since 2008. The SBTC’s goal is to make churches aware of those who hold a high level of expertise in their field and provide information and training, which may serve to benefit the local church and its members. MinistrySafe is such an organization. For years, Love and Norris have provided a high level of equipping in the area of child protection.

Dr. Kenneth Priest
Director of Convention Strategies
Southern Baptists of Texas Convention

As a church pastor and seminary professor of 37 years, I recommend the valuable resources offered by MinistrySafe Institute.  Offering a curriculum of amazing scope and value, accessible to local churches and ministry leaders, MinistrySafe Institute provides an incredible source of counsel to the Church and Christian leaders.

Dr. Allen Jackson
Senior Pastor – Dunwoody Baptist Church
Professor Youth Ed. & Collegiate Ministry – New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary

It is the seminary’s responsibility to equip current and future church leaders to shepherd the Church, and Love and Norris have served in a critical role, providing training, analysis, and tools to help SWBTS ensure that graduates are prepared to lead in an environment that is increasingly more challenging. In my view, Love and Norris are without peers, and we are thankful for our partnership with them in our mission to equip and prepare ministry students.

Dr. Waylan Owens
Dean, Terry School of Church and Family Ministries
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

Gregory Love and Kimberlee Norris of MinistrySafe have gone above and beyond to help our organization become a safer place for minors. They have provided training utilized by nearly all of our employees. Their attention to detail and customized attention to our specific landscape has gone a long way to better preparing our staff and ultimately several thousand volunteers to be more aware and proactive to keep predators clear of our church environment.

Mike Diggs
Safety Director
Rock Church San Diego

MinistrySafe has been an amazing partner with North Carolina Baptists and has provided resources and training that have greatly expanded the perspective of all our work in the area of safety and security for children and youth ministries. Gregory Love and Kimberlee Norris are wonderfully gifted presenters whose passion for protecting children and youth infuses all they say and do. We look forward to a continuing relationship with MinistrySafe as Gregory and Kimberlee provide top-notch training and resources to our local churches.

Cheryl Markland
Senior Consultant for Childhood Ministries
Baptist State Convention of North Carolina

California Southern Baptists are an unusual bunch! The Convention has been working on encouraging our churches to invest in the MinistrySafe system for the past two-and-a-half years, and our efforts are gaining traction. When pastors and leaders attend a workshop presented by Gregory Love or Kimberlee Norris, co-founders of MinistrySafe, they are better equipped to protect and care for children, the lifeblood of every church.  I cannot stress enough how strongly I believe that every church should explore and implement the MinistrySafe 5-part Safety System. 

Max Herr
Ministry Specialist, Human Resources & Church Compliance
California Southern Baptist Convention

After twenty years of requiring Safe Environment Training, the Catholic Diocese of Dallas recently began using MinistrySafe.  Our experience is summed up by feedback from one of our volunteers: “I recently completed the MinistrySafe training.  In my 25 years as a teacher, I have never taken a better, more informative Class.  Whether for my role as a grandmother or church volunteer, I am better equipped to protect the precious ones entrusted to my care.” 

Barbara Landregan
Director of Safe Environment
Catholic Diocese of Dallas

At First Presbyterian Church, we have been using MinistrySafe for several years, and have found the clarity and wisdom of the program a great help as we seek to minister to our children and young people in a secure and nurturing environment.  MinistrySafe has become a vital part of our approach to serving the most vulnerable people entrusted to our care and we commend it warmly to churches and ministries everywhere.

David Strain
Senior Minister
First Presbyterian Church, Jackson

I’m very grateful for the work of MinistrySafe and recommend them to other PCA churches and organizations. Kimberlee Norris, one of the founders of MinistrySafe, presented live training for our church and Presbytery. Her presentations were exceptionally well done and extremely helpful. I can’t imagine a church that wouldn’t be helped by the resources and training MinistrySafe provides.

Kevin DeYoung
Senior Pastor- Christ Covenant Church, Matthews, N.C.

We are so grateful for our partnership with MinistrySafe, which has helped us put systems in place to protect our children and our congregation as a whole. The expertise of the attorneys at MinistrySafe has allowed us to achieve our mission-- with protective boundaries in place but without hindrance to the work to which we are called--like a fence protects a playground. We are able to protect our children while creating an enjoyable, rich environment for ministry and care.

Rev. Mark Davis
Senior Pastor
Park Cities Presbyterian Church

In our broken world, children are threatened on all sides.  MinistrySafe helps organizations reduce the risk from those threats by thoroughly training organizations to see threats that may be in their midst as well as those seeking to use our organizations to prey on children.  Few things are more vital than soberly examining how we protect our children from these predators.  The Cleveland Lutheran High School Association readily recommends the trainings offered by Ministry Safe and their processes for implementing best practices to keep the safety of students at the front of our minds and at the center of our actions.

Chris Steinmann
Superintendent & CEO
Cleveland Lutheran High School Association

I appreciate the tools provided to our North WI District schools through MinistrySafe. Greg’s passion for keeping kids safe has provided a price point that makes sense for ministries of any size to train staff and volunteers. I am hopeful we can continue to expand the use of MinistrySafe throughout our North WI District schools and churches.

Donald C. (DJ) Schult, Jr.
Assistant to the President, North Wisconsin District
The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod

Since 2017, Second Baptist Church (SBC) has partnered with MinistrySafe to provide sex abuse awareness training to SBC employees who serve at each of our church campuses. We have often stated that “Second loves kids” and one important way we show that is through awareness training and safety protocols designed to provide and maintain a safe environment for children and students who attend various SBC ministries. The live and electronic training provided by MinistrySafe through the years has been an invaluable tool to serve that end. We look forward to continuing this partnership with MinistrySafe for years to come. 

Lee H. Maxcy
Associate Pastor and Church Administrator
Second Baptist Church of Houston, Texas

I am so thankful for the services that MinistrySafe provides for those who are serving in our schools, day camps, and Bible school programs. The resources that are available to prepare our workers and volunteers are well-developed, easy to follow, and very enlightening. These resources are necessary for all who work with children to help ensure safe children and safe environments. Thank you, MinistrySafe for your partnership in equipping us in our ministry with children.

Sally J. Hiller
Executive Director for Congregational Services
Southeastern District, Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod

I am so pleased and excited to partner with MinistrySafe to bring their excellence and suite of programs to the Lutheran schools and congregations in the Pacific Southwest District! We have worked with Gregory Love and MinistrySafe for several years and have recently entered into a consortium with them so that all of our Pacific Southwest District Lutheran Schools have access to their complete child safety system. Their online training helps our congregations and schools to understand the need for sexual abuse awareness and then provides the tools to help set up a screening process, update and align all of the policies and procedures, connect them with background checks if needed, and ensure that monitoring and oversight practices are in place and executed. MinistrySafe is well worth the investment made!

Rachel Klitzing
Executive Director of School Ministries
Pacific Southwest District, Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod

After researching resource options for our camping partners on sexual abuse prevention and awareness training, we connected with MinistrySafe. We believe that becoming a MinistrySafe partner, and utilizing their wide range of resources, brings great value for camps in their hiring processes and staff trainings. MinistrySafe has done a great job in their willingness to tailor their presentations for the needs of a camp setting.

Betsy Wright
Director, Angel Tree Camping
Prison Fellowship


Awareness and prevention are paramount, but the existing impact of abuse on countless men and women is no less significant.  At Southern, we have committed extraordinary resources to address the devastating impact of sexual abuse on individuals and families.

What I deeply appreciate about Gregory Love and Kimberlee Norris is that they go to war the right way. Instead of shooting in every direction or sounding the alarm without clear direction, they patiently and wisely train individuals to identify each threat and to work effectively to protect those who are vulnerable. MinistrySafe has strongly facilitated our effort to train students to stand against abuse in the name of the Lord.

Dr. Jeremy Pierre
Chair – Department of Biblical Counseling
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

At Liberty University, we are committed to our founding vision of Training Champions for Christ. The School of Divinity supports that vision by coming alongside the local church in its quest to fulfill the Great Commission, which demands a focused awareness of modern ministry requirements. Every ministry leader today must model and lead God’s people by establishing the safest practices and protecting past and potential victims of sexual abuse. The Rawlings School of Divinity has leaned on MinistrySafe to train our students to that end. Gregory Love and Kimberlee Norris bring a wealth of experience to the table. Their expertise, concern for abuse survivors, and love for the church make them invaluable partners in curriculum creation that equips our students to shepherd and protect the flock.

Dr. Troy W. Temple
John W. Rawlings School of Divinity, Dean
Liberty University

The Graduate School of Ministry at Dallas Baptist University utilizes the MinistrySafe Institute training as a requirement for all students pursuing one of ten different ministry degrees. Our desire is to produce servant leaders who understand and can apply the information contained in each of the modules within the institute. Our graduates continue to report this training has been especially meaningful and practical for them in their unique ministry contexts. 

Dr. Shelly Melia
Associate Dean, Graduate School of Ministry
Dallas Baptist University

It is hardly possible to over-emphasize the importance of protecting children in our churches and ministries. To that end, BJU Seminary seeks to train pastors, Christian leaders, missionaries and biblical counselors in awareness and prevention of child sexual abuse. Hosting live MinistrySafe trainings each year since 2015, Bob Jones University was one of the first universities to require that all students, faculty and staff members complete Sexual Abuse Awareness Training.  We believe we have a responsibility to equip future leaders to recognize and respond appropriately to this grave and growing problem.  

In an attempt to equip local ministries, BJU hosted pastors and church leaders in child protection training. As a result, many require child-serving staff members and volunteers to complete MinistrySafe training as a condition of service. Recently, BJU Seminary hosted a conference entitled, “Sexual Abuse and the Church,” including training modules on this topic. Our desire is that every student who will serve in ministry receives the necessary training to navigate this issue well.

Dr. Neal Cushman
Bob Jones University Seminary 

At Dallas Theological Seminary, we are committed to equipping our students with excellent resources to address real-life needs in vocational ministry. To that end, we require ALL students to complete MinistrySafe training before enrolling for seminary coursework.

In addition, we’ve partnered with Gregory Love and Kimberlee Norris, DTS Visiting Faculty and founders of MinistrySafe, to offer a three-hour credit course addressing child sexual abuse in ministry contexts: the first of its kind.  We’ve made this commitment because we believe it is our responsibility to equip future ministry leaders to better understand and address child sexual abuse. Ministry leaders cannot address a risk that they don’t understand -- we are working to create and foster that understanding.

Dr. Mark Yarbrough
Dallas Theological Seminary

The challenges in Christian ministry are many; few are more important than properly addressing child sexual abuse risk. At Reformed Theological Seminary, we’ve made it a priority to equip future ministry leaders with the Bible and theology, as well as practical pastoral preparation, in order to reach and disciple a broken world. To that end, we are committed to creating and maintaining safe environments for children in the church, as well as healthy environments for abuse survivors. We appreciate the expertise and experience of Kimberlee Norris and her tireless efforts to protect children in the church through her work at MinistrySafe.

At Reformed Theological Seminary, faculty, staff and students are required to complete online awareness training upon hire or before graduation. All of us need to be up to speed on this. Shepherds are to guard the flock; we want to be faithful to that part of our calling.

Dr. Ligon Duncan
Chancellor and CEO
Reformed Theological Seminary
John E. Richards Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology

Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary lives out its mission of being For the Church by training God-called men and women for ministry. Training that equips these leaders for the realities of our broken world must address child sexual abuse. MinistrySafe is a trusted partner in training our students, faculty, and staff to better protect the congregations where they serve.

This has been an extremely helpful resource!

Dr. John Mark Yeats
VP Student Services, Dean of Students
Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

In 2018, Rockbridge began requiring all students to complete Sexual Abuse Awareness Training provided by MinistrySafe.  In our current cultural climate, every ministry leader must have a basic understanding of child sexual abuse risk and prevention.  Sexual abuse of children in the church is not limited to one denomination or country. Our international students have expressed appreciation that we have chosen to address this cultural issue clouded in secrecy in their country of origin. As an example, one student from Nigeria said this training prepared him to take proactive precautionary measures to prevent child sexual abuse from occurring in his home country. 

In addition, Rockbridge has also made this training available to our alumni, staff, faculty, and board of trustees. Our faculty, all ministry practitioners, immediately endorsed the inclusion of the training into our curriculum.  Our alumni, convinced of the training’s worth, contributed funds enabling us to provide the training to our entire seminary family. 

We heartily encourage other seminaries to adopt this training into the curriculum.

Daryl Eldridge, Ph.D.
President Emeritus and Cofounder
Rockbridge Seminary

MinistrySafe provides a key element of our overall program to train future church and ministry leaders to protect the most vulnerable in their congregations and to care well for those affected by abuse. This training, required for incoming students, builds a solid base of knowledge that students take into their seminary coursework and into their churches. We have really been pleased with this tool.

Craig Garrett, Ph.D., LCP-S
Dean of Students/AVP for Student Affairs
New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary

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