MinistrySafe offers a wide variety of Trainings to equip ministry staff members and volunteers to prevent Child Sexual Abuse and Sexual Harassment.
Sexual Abuse Awareness Training
Sexual Abuse Awareness Training equips staff members and volunteers to understand the facts and misconceptions related to child sexual abuse, including basic characteristics of an abuser, the grooming process of the offender and key indicators of child sexual abuse.
Skillful Screening Training
Skillful Screening Training educates ministry supervisors and screening personnel about effective screening practices addressing child sexual abuse risk during the hiring and onboarding process of employees and volunteers.
Peer-to-Peer Sexual Abuse Training
Peer-to-Peer Sexual Abuse Training equips child-serving staff members and volunteers to recognize the warning signs indicating a heightened risk of inappropriate sexual behaviors between children. This Training offers strategies to prevent Peer-to-Peer abuse, explores the relationship between peer sexual abuse and bullying behaviors, and addresses best practices in resolving issues between minors as they arise.
Parent Training
Parent Training equips parents with a basic understanding and awareness of child sexual abuse risk and the grooming process of the abuser. Parent Training is not a substitute for Sexual Abuse Awareness Training, and should not be utilized as such by Ministries; this Training is intended as a resource for parents only.
Preventing Sexual Harassment: Creating an Environment of Respect
This Training addresses sexual harassment prevention in the workplace and is aimed at workplace supervisors.
Child Safety Workshop
The Child Safety Workshop describes how to build an effective Safety System to protect children from sexual abuse in church and ministry environments.
Background Checks
This Training addresses common questions about Background Checks and effective use of past history within an effective screening process.
Policies and Procedures
Learn how to create and implement effective Policies and Procedures addressing child sexual abuse risk in your Ministry.
MinistrySafe Institute
MinistrySafe Institute provides seminary-level material aimed at ministry leaders who desire educational resources addressing child sexual abuse risk at a deeper, more comprehensive level.
Reporting Child Sexual Abuse
This Training equips ministry leaders with important information regarding reporting child sexual abuse.
AB506 (New California Law)
Effective January 1, 2022, new law in California created new requirements for 'Youth Service Organizations' related to Training, Background Checks and Policies. This Training provides guidance as to WHO is impacted, WHAT is required, and HOW to comply.
Third-Party Use of Facilities
Many Organizations allow outside use of their facilities by other Organizations or individuals. This generosity, however, must be balanced with the risk of third-party liability. This Training provides guidance concerning third-party use of facilities, supported by helpful forms.
Agents and Underwriters Training
Equip agents, brokers and underwriters with the knowledge they need to effectively assess an insured’s preparation for child sexual abuse risk.
Protecting Vulnerable Adults
Protecting Vulnerable Adults Training provides a framework for understanding risk management and Safety System elements for programs serving Vulnerable Adults. This Training equips program directors to effectively implement risk management Policies, protecting Vulnerable Adults and those who serve them.
Monitoring and Oversight
This Training equips administrators to utilize the MinistrySafe Control Panel to monitor and track Background Checks, Training and screening elements.
Ready to access your Safety System and begin training Staff Members and Volunteers?